The pleasure-deadening devices "have not been significantly improved since the 1800s, when rubber first replaced the then-standard animal intestines." Paul R. Abramson and L.J. Williamson can't understand why:
The pleasure-deadening devices "have not been significantly improved since the 1800s, when rubber first replaced the then-standard animal intestines." Paul R. Abramson and L.J. Williamson can't understand why:
[A]lthough we've been chasing an HIV-prevention vaccine since 1984, we've still gotnothing to show for it. Imagine how far those same hundreds of millions could go toward the development of a better-feeling condom — a condom people would actually wear. After all, there is one area in which condoms don't suck: They prevent sexually transmitted infections. To date, we haven't even found a vaccine to prevent one of the many strains of HIV. Even if an omnipotent AIDS vaccine were developed, it would still leave untouched syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and every other sexually transmitted infection. Compare that to the simplicity of the one-size-fits-all-diseases barrier method: the simple condom. Chasing a vaccine has so far been a losing game. But a great-feeling condom could be an epic win.
(Image: 110-year-old condoms made from the swim bladders of fish)
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