Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Research shows elderberries to be beneficial in treating infections and cancer

Gay Fuel was an energy drink marketed by Florida-based Specialty Spirits, LLC towards the gay community, using the slogan "GET FIRED UP." Some refer to it as a "graphite smoothie".Gay Fuel was similar to Red Bull, except the liquid was dyed bright pink and elderberry flavored. Its makers claimed Gay Fuel contains a blend of sexual stimulant herbs and immune system boosters. The can was silver with several rainbow stripes.

(NaturalNews) Elderberries are primarily found in North America and Europe. Referred to as the `medicine chest` by Hippocrates, these berries have been researched and proven to contain many medicinal and health benefits. In 1995, Elderberry juice was used to treat a flu epidemic in Panama. Scientists even used these powerful berries to help treat AIDS and cancer.

 Learn more: 

1 comment:

  1. update:
    FDA sends US marshals to seize elderberry juice concentrate, deems it 'unapproved drug' Learn more:
